Camu Camu
the fruit richest in natural vitamin C
What is the Camu Camu?
Camu-camu: the fruit richest in natural vitamin C
Native to Peru, camu-camu is what we call a superfruit. It is the fruit richest in vitamin C. It strengthens your immune system and helps fight against fatigue.
From its scientific name Myrciaria Dubia, camu-camu is a shrub that grows in the Amazonian forest. Its fruits are widely used by Peruvians, especially in cooking. Very rich in vitamin C, its virtues make it a beneficial supplement to fight against fatigue and stress.

The origin of camu-camu
Camu-camu refers to both the shrub and the fruit. The tree grows in the Amazon rainforest where it can reach up to 4 meters high. It belongs to the Myrtacae family, the same botanical family as guava, myrtle or niaouli. The camu-camu has the particularity of growing on the banks of rivers, in marshy areas where it is very resistant to flooding. It is found in particular on the banks of the Amazon and its tributaries. The fruit harvest is linked to the cycle of the rainy season. The camu-camu tree can thus produce up to 12 kilos of fruit.
The camu-camu fruit, sometimes also called cacari, measures 2 to 4 cm in diameter (between the size of a cherry and a plum). It has the particularity of having two pits. It is red or purple in colour and its surface is smooth and shiny. It has a tangy taste.
This fruit is part of the Peruvian pharmacopoeia and is used by Peruvians to treat various disorders. It is also present in the cuisine of this part of the world, where it often replaces lemon. It is also a natural sweetener used as a flavour enhancer in confectionery and products from the South American food industry.
Comparison of vitamin C levels per 100 grams of whole fruit
- camu camu: from 2400 to 3000 mg
- acerola: 1000 to 2000 mg
- blackcurrant: 200 mg
- kiwi fruit: 80 mg
- lemon: 65 mg
- Orange: 60 mg
Vitamins & Minerals
Camu-camu contains many other nutritional elements such as:
- polyphenols
- tannins
- terpenes.
It also contains many other vitamins (B1, B2, B3, vitamin E)
and is high in iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and beta-carotene.


strengthens the immune system

detoxifying and anti-aging effect

fight anaemia

anti-inflammatory properties

eye and skin health
You want to know all about Camu Camu?
Native to Peru, camu-camu is what we call a superfruit. It is the fruit richest in vitamin C. It strengthens your immune system and helps fight against fatigue.
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Camu-camu, a “superfruit”?
The term “superfruit” refers to fruits that are particularly rich in antioxidants. Several fruits nowadays belong to this category, such as blueberries, acai, acerola and pomegranate.
Camu-camu is considered a superfruit thanks to its high ORAC index (capacity to absorb oxygenated radicals) (5 times higher than blackberry for example), and thanks to its nutritional profile which is higher than the average of other fruits.
It is particularly its very high vitamin C content that makes it a useful superfruit for our daily health.

Camu-camu or the fruit richest in natural vitamin C
Camu-camu is considered a “superfruit” because of its incredible vitamin C content. It is said to be the richest fruit naturally in ascorbic acid, even surpassing kiwi, acerola or orange. The average proportion of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit is 2500 milligrams. That’s 30 to 60 times more than the orange!
To allow you to compare, here are the levels of vitamin C per 100 grams of whole fruit:
– The camu camu: from 2400 to 3000 mg
– Acerola: from 1000 to 2000 mg
– Blackcurrant: 200 mg
– The kiwi: 80 mg
– Lemon: 65 mg
– Orange: 60 mg
This natural vitamin C is very well assimilated by the body: it is bioavailable. Camu-camu is therefore a great ally for your health and your body which, it should be remembered, does not produce vitamin C. It is therefore essential to provide it daily in sufficient quantities.
Camu-camu thus contributes to improving your resistance to fatigue, overcoming minor winter ailments (colds, flu, chills, etc.) and strengthens your immune system. It will give you vigour, boost your vitality and energy.
Vitamin C is also interesting in the production of collagen, a very important protein in the body, which helps to strengthen bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, the oral and dental system, connective tissue and skin.
Camu-camu thus helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and helps to preserve tissue tone and elasticity. It is therefore also a youthful ally that slows down the aging process and helps to delay the onset of many age-related ailments such as inflammation and eye problems (loss of sharpness, macular degeneration, blindness).
This is not the only interest of vitamin C. It has been proven that it also has an action on weight and would therefore be an ally in slimming. It is also recommended in case of sleep disorders.

Nutritional properties of camu-camu
In addition to being a great natural source of vitamin C, camu-camu contains many other nutritional elements such as polyphenols, tannins and terpenes. It also contains many other vitamins (B1, B2, B3, vitamin E) and is high in iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and beta-carotene.
100 grams of camu-camu contain :
– 94 grams of water: this is a very high proportion and a nutritionally interesting intake.
– 2,145 milligrams of vitamin C, i.e. 3575% of the daily nutritional value.
– 355 milligrams of carotenoids, notably luteins which offer ocular and dermatological protection.
– 15.7 milligrams of calcium.
– 2.1 milligrams of manganese.
– 0.2 milligrams of copper.
– 0.5 milligrams of iron.
– 12.4 milligrams of magnesium.
– 83.8 milligrams of potassium.
– 0.4 milligrams of zinc.

The amazing properties of camu-camu
Its very high concentration of minerals and amino acids makes it a fruit with unique anti-oxidant properties. It would also have anti-inflammatory properties and strengthen the immune system. It would allow to treat several daily ailments: fatigue whether chronic or temporary, stress, viral diseases such as flu or colds, or migraine. Its action on the immune system is irreproachable thanks to its vitamin C content which blocks free radicals. The antioxidants naturally present in the fruit act on cellular ageing and will give you a detox and anti-ageing effect.
Its concentration in iron will allow you to revitalize yourself and fight against anemia. Finally, the pectin it contains will help you to reduce your bad cholesterol. The camu-camu would also have a beneficial action on the health of the liver, in particular for people suffering from cirrhosis. A study carried out in 2010 showed that camu-camu would make it possible to remove certain hepatic lesions.
It is also frequently used with very good results to treat the symptoms of Epstein-Barr (virus at the origin of mononucleosis in particular) or the Herpes virus.
It would also have an action on skin and eye diseases and would help to improve cerebral functions. It also has an effect on mood because it helps the brain produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates certain anxiety behaviours, emotionality, but also sleep disorders, eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia), aggressiveness, depression and suicidal tendencies. Thanks to its high vitamin C content, camu-camu can therefore be a therapeutic ally for patients suffering from these various disorders.

How to consume Camu Camu?
Dosage and method of administration
Camu-camu can be found fresh in some greengrocers and stores. Nevertheless its price remains high and its very acidic taste may not suit Western palates that are not used to this kind of food. Moreover, its composition remains very variable, especially its vitamin C content.
To benefit from the amazing properties of this superfruit, you can choose to consume it in food supplements, dosed and chosen to allow you to benefit from the best qualities of the raw product. You can thus follow cures of 3 to 4 weeks in particular at the time of the change of season.
–In capsule: take 2 to 3 capsules thirty minutes before the meal. Always respect the dosage indicated on the bottle.
–Powder: Add about 5 grams to your fruit juices, water, smoothies or yoghurts. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Note that the powder can also be used as a mask on the face for the illuminating effect of vitamin C on your complexion.
Any intake of dietary supplements must be associated with a balanced diet. Prefer 100% pure supplements from organic farming. Camu-camu is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Its high concentration in vitamin C is necessary for everyone, children and adults alike. Pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as the elderly are particularly concerned and must consume a high proportion of vitamin C in their diet. The camu-camu will enable them to easily cover their daily needs. However, be careful not to supplement your body in high doses.

Camu Camu Contraindications and side effects
No side effects have been reported. However, it is necessary to respect the dosages indicated and recommended on the packaging of the products you consume. Too much vitamin C can cause stomach upset, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting and even kidney problems.
Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking too much vitamin C if you are undergoing medical treatment.